Thursday, December 26, 2019

Principal Empowerment - 3923 Words

Background of the Study Schools are one of the most important institutions in a society. It is actually termed to be the second home. It is one of the first places where the early and critical foundations of learning are built, and as early as three to four years old, a person goes and experiences life being a student. A school is not just defined by the four walls of classroom. More than serving its academic purposes, some see it as a good source of income too. As what many consider, school is also often noted as an undying business. Teaching on the other hand is known to be the most stable job. As the clichà © goes, as long as there are students, there would be schools. It is therefore no surprise that schools sprung out like mushrooms†¦show more content†¦a. Instructional b. Administrative c. Fiscal d. Monitoring and reporting Related Literature From different authors, the following information are found essential to this study. The Role of the Principal Schools started without principals according to At the beginning of the twentieth century, schools grew from one-room schoolhouses into schools with multiple grades and classrooms. These caused the need for someone to manage the more complex organizations. Initially, the teachers catered to this need. While they are acting as the managers, they still continued teaching. This is the reason why these teachers were called principal teachers. Principal teachers became full-time administrators in most schools as schools continued to grow. Most principals therefore stopped teaching because of the many demands their management responsibilities placed on their time. As managers, the principals were held responsible of financial operations, building maintenance, student scheduling, personnel, public relations, school policy regarding discipline, coordination of the instructional program, and other overall school matters. The management role included even some cu rriculum and instruction supervision, but overall school management was the primary role principals played until the early 1980s. As the accountability movement gained momentum, the role of the principal changed fromShow MoreRelatedLiterature Review On Participatory Photography2180 Words   |  9 Pagesgroups, including young refugees, in order to bring about change and raise awareness in particular identified concerns. As described by Wang and Burris (1997), the purpose of using photovoice method in research projects can be identified in three principal goals: - Enable participants to record and reflect their community s strengths and concerns. - Promote dialogue and knowledge about important community issues through large- or small-group discussions of photographs. - Reach policy-makers. 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